Does Neuroplasticity Decrease With Age?

We all know that our bodies change as we age. We can see the effects of aging in our skin, in our hair, and in our joints. But what about our brains? Do they change as we age too?

It turns out that our brains do change as we age. And one of the ways they change is that they become less plastic. Plasticity is the ability of the brain to change and adapt in response to new experiences. And it seems that this ability decreases as we age.

One study found that neuroplasticity declines with age in both rats and humans. The rats were trained to press a lever to get a food reward. The researchers found that the young rats learned this task quickly, but the older rats took longer to learn it. And when the task was made more difficult, the older rats were not able to learn it at all.

In humans, neuroplasticity also declines with age. This has been shown in studies of people who have suffered strokes. Stroke survivors who are older have more difficulty recovering than stroke survivors who are younger. This is because their brains are less plastic and less able to adapt to the changes caused by the stroke.

So what does this all mean? It means that as we age, our brains become less able to learn new things and adapt to new situations. This is why it important to keep your brain active as you age. Things like reading, learning new skills, and socializing can all help keep your brain plastic and healthy.

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