Is Neuroplasticity Better In Children?

By Josheph Given

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to adapt and change in response to experience. It is a relatively new concept in the field of neuroscience, and researchers are still learning a lot about how it works.

There is some evidence that neuroplasticity is better in children than adults. For example, research has shown that children’s brains are better able to recover from injuries than adults’ brains. And children seem to be more responsive to educational interventions than adults.

This makes sense when you think about it. Children’s brains are still growing and developing, so they are more able to change and adapt than adult brains. Also, children have less entrenched habits and behaviours than adults, so they are more open to learning new things.

However, it’s important to remember that neuroplasticity is not just about recovering from injuries or learning new things. It’s also about how the brain changes in response to everyday experiences. So even if neuroplasticity is better in children, that doesn’t mean that adults can’t benefit from it.

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