What Is Neuroplasticity Physiology Quizlet?

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. This amazing ability allows the brain to adapt and change in response to experience.

The term “neuroplasticity” was first coined in the early 1900s by a Polish neuroscientist named Kazimierz Deckert. It wasn’t until the 1970s, however, that neuroplasticity began to be studied more extensively.

Neuroplasticity occurs at all levels of the nervous system, from the level of individual neurons to the level of large-scale cortical networks.

At the level of individual neurons, neuroplasticity can be seen in the way that neurons change their structure and function in response to experience. For example, early sensory experience can cause changes in the way that neurons are interconnected. These changes can then lead to changes in the way that information is processed by the brain.

At the level of cortical networks, neuroplasticity manifests as changes in the way that different regions of the cortex are connected to one another. These changes can be induced by experience, learning, or damage to the nervous system.

Neuroplasticity is a critical aspect of brain development. It is thought to underlie all forms of learning and memory. It is also a key factor in recovery from brain injury.

Neuroplasticity is an amazing ability that allows us to adapt and change in response to our experiences. It helps us learn and remember information, and it plays a key role in Recovery from brain injury.

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