Which Of The Following Examples Correctly Depicts Neuroplasticity?

As we learn new information, the brain physically changes. This is because our brains are adaptable, or plastic.” The term neuroplasticity” refers to the brain ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout our lives. This adaptive quality allows the brain to respond to experience and compensate for injury.

There are many different examples of neuroplasticity. One example is when someone learns a new skill. As they practice, their brain forms new neural connections that allow them to perform the task more easily. Another example is when a person suffering from a stroke relearns how to use their affected limb. In this case, neuroplasticity allows the brain to rewire itself and form new neural connections to help the person regain movement in their limb.

Neuroplasticity is an amazing quality of the human brain, and it can result in some impressive recoveries from injuries or illnesses. However, it important to remember that not all changes in the brain are positive. For example, addiction is a form of neuroplasticity that results in changes in the brain that make it difficult to break the habit.

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