Who Found The Theory Of Neuroplasticity?

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change and adapt in response to experience. It is one of the most important discoveries in neuroscience, and has revolutionized our understanding of the brain.

The theory of neuroplasticity was first proposed by French physician Paul Camille Pierre” Marie Flourens in 1824. Flourens conducted experiments on animals, removing different areas of their brains to see what would happen. He found that removing the entire cerebral cortex resulted in the animal being completely incapably of movement or thought. From this, he concluded that the cortex was responsible for all higher brain functions.

It wasn’t until more than a century later that neuroplasticity began to be taken seriously as a scientific concept. In the late 1970s, researchers began to uncover evidence that the brain could actually change and adapt in response to experience. This was a radical idea at the time, and it took many years for the scientific community to accept it.

Today, neuroplasticity is one of the most well-established principles in neuroscience. It underlies all kinds of learning and memory, and has been shown to play a role in everything from development to recovery from injury.

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